Go - string format


  • d - decimal integer
  • o - octal integer
  • O - octal integer with 0o prefix
  • b - binary integer
  • x - hexadecimal integer lowercase
  • X - hexadecimal integer uppercase
  • f - decimal floating point, lowercase
  • F - decimal floating point, uppercase
  • e - scientific notation (mantissa/exponent), lowercase
  • E - scientific notation (mantissa/exponent), uppercase
  • g - the shortest representation of %e or %f
  • G - the shortest representation of %E or %F
  • c - a character represented by the corresponding Unicode code point
  • q - a quoted character
  • U - Unicode escape sequence
  • t - the word true or false
  • s - a string
  • v - default format
  • #v - Go-syntax representation of the value
  • T - a Go-syntax representation of the type of the value
  • p - pointer address
  • % - a double %% prints a single %
 res := fmt.Sprintf("%s is %d years old", name, age)


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