Dart syntax- Future,asyc,await

import 'dart:io';

void main() {

void performTasks() async {//i have someone need a wait
String task2result = await team2(); //my team there is someone need to wait.

void team1() {
print('task 1 complete');

Future team2() async {//in the future team2, there is someone who is call "await" need to wait.
String result;
print('there is team2. Someone who is call "await" need a wait.');

await Future.delayed( //pls wait for me.
Duration(seconds: 3,), () {
result = 'task 2 await\'s Data.';
print('task 2 complete. \'await\' is giving his data to team3.');
return result;

void team3(String task2Data) {
print('task 3 complete, i got $task2Data');



☝Future async + await 2.使用Futurn type 必須先聲明async

☝Steam 有兩個方法 async + await for迴圈。 2. steam API。

not use await for for UI event listeners .因為它會無止盡地傳送steams.

☝Generator 產生一系列的值。
1.同步產生使用 Iterable + sync*, 由yield傳送值。
2.非同步產生使用steam + async*,由yield傳送值。
若命名有重覆可使用 yield*


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